Чиндао Пухуа Хүнд Үйлдвэрийн Машин ХХК нь таны хувьд юу болохыг эвдэх болнобуудсан тэсэлгээний машинашиглаж байна:
In the production process of large quantities of steel grit and steel shot, the quality of batch steel grit and steel shot cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, a буудсан тэсэлгээний машин is produced, and the steel grit and steel shot are processed at high speed by the Koshi shot machine. In the process of throwing down, the stains attached to the surface of the steel grit and steel shot are cleaned, so that the damage to the surface of the steel grit and steel shot can be found in large quantities.
Shot blasting machine is actually a kind of surface treatment technology, mainly for the surface treatment of steel products in large quantities in the steel production process. The буудсан тэсэлгээний машин can effectively remove the burrs and some large-scale rust on the surface of the steel product. When using the буудсан тэсэлгээний машин, хэрэв технологийг эзэмшээгүй бол ган бүтээгдэхүүний гадаргуугийн бүрэн бүтэн байдлыг бий болгох магадлалтай. Гадаргуугийн зураас үүсгэдэг бөгөөд ноцтой нь муухай төрх, бүтээгдэхүүний дүр төрхийг алдагдуулдаг.
Ган үйлдвэрлэлийн хувьд,буудсан тэсэлгээний машин is an inevitable equipment, and the use of буудсан тэсэлгээний машин for surface treatment of steel grit and steel shot is also an indispensable process, which is to remove surface stains on steel grit and steel shot. , Rust, and a necessary procedure to check the integrity of the product surface is indispensable.